Brief History of our Leaders Bishop Aaron Isaiah & First Lady Virgie Milton through over 55 years of marriage raised nine and countless foster children. They are proud grandparents and great grand parents. This power couple has always been well acquainted with sharing their parental skills with many children in the community and are famously known as being Community Parents. Bishop and Mother Milton has a long-standing history of building other church ministries in the Mid-Michigan area. They took the responsibility of teaching, upbringing and caring for many children in the community as well as witnessing to hundreds of families. While serving faithfully in other ministries. The Lord spoke to Bishop Aaron Milton in a vision and said “GATHER MY PEOPLE, MY PEOPLE ARE ON DEATH ROW”.
In November of 1983, Bishop Aaron & First Lady Virgie Milton started the Jesus of Nazareth Church of God in Christ in their home, eventually the membership started to increase and the church expanded to the YMCA, it swiftly grew with families and shortly moved to 611 Samantha Street, Lansing, Michigan. They were able to do various fundraisers and even spent their life savings building the church filled with mostly children. After their last renovations to 611 Samantha Street, The Lord spoke to Bishop Milton and told him it was time “TO MOVE”. No one understood why he wanted to move, because they had just spent so much time, labor and money on fixing the church up. But Bishop Aaron & First Lady Virgie Milton stood on the scripture 2 Corinthians 5:7 “For we walk by Faith, not by sight.
It was Mother Virgie Milton who went to search the land and bought a good report back to Bishop Aaron Milton, and asked him to “ Come see a church sitting on a land in Holt, Michigan." Through much righteous prayers, their own personal finances as well as a few silent financial supporters; the next move was made. The Lord allowed every cricket place to be made straight and they transitioned to 4331 Sycamore, Holt, Michigan 48842. When the leap of faith was completed, history was made. As they were the first African-American Congregation to purchase a church in Holt, Michigan.
In my conclusion, it should be recognized that on Friday, March 8, 2019 yet another historic moment in time occurred when the highest ranking officials in the National Church of God in Christ traveled from around the world to witness the unprecedented ceremony of our leaders. Bishop Aaron Isaiah Milton was consecrated by the Church of God in Christ, Inc., Chief Apostle Charles E. Blake Sr., Presiding Prelate. He has now been serving as the official Jurisdictional Prelate of Southwest Michigan 4th Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction for (4) years, right alongside his warrior beautiful wife Mother Virgie Milton. The divinity of the number four is structure, planning, organization, rules, and order. As they celebrate (40) years in ministry and the (4th) year in the Bishopric. Look for them both to walk circumspectly and flow in their governmental anointing.
Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Come and see! – John 1:46